Statue of Liberty


Engage in Meaningful Discussions on Direct Democracy

Forum Categories

Engage in discussions on Direct Democracy, political systems, and more.

General Discussions

Discuss a wide range of topics related to Direct Democracy and political systems.

Pitfalls of Representative Democracy

How and why Representative Democracies fail to meet the needs of citizens..

Individual Freedom

Individual freedoms in retreat against the omnipotence of the State.

Direct Democracy in Practice

Explore how Direct Democracy works in different countries and contexts.

Comparing Direct and Representative Democracies

An in-depth analysis of the pros and cons of each system.

What Would Be The Best Imaginable Governance System?

Share your ideas about what should be the size, the powers, the limitations and the maximum cost of the government to better serve the citizens?

How Can Direct Democracy Be Achieved

Contribute your ideas on how to achieve a peaceful and painless evolution from the current Representative Democracy towards a Direct Democracy more in line with the general progress of our societies.

What is the future of Direct Democracy?

A discussion on how Direct Democracy could evolve in the coming years.